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Hard Cider

*The 6 packs are sold in Extra Crisp and Blackberry flavors, you may also purchase products onsite in 750ml, ½ gallons, and kegs.

Extra Crisp

A sweet hard cider with an extra crisp bite.
Sweet 5.5% abv., 20g sugar


Organic Harvest

2023 Organic hard cider, made with our Sonora-grown Granny Smith apples.

Semi-Dry 6.4%abv., 6g sugar

BB in Apple


A sweet hard cider with blackberry juice added.
Sweet 5.5% abv., 20g sugar


Bubbly Ciderbration

A dry hard cider that is elegant, refreshing, and clean.
Dry 6.9% abv., 2g sugar

Grannies Gone Wild

Dry style cider with a touch of sour

6.9% abv., 0g sugar


Spicy Mango

Semi sweet style cider with a touch of heat

5.5% abv., 14g sugar

Chocolate Strawberry

Sweet Hard Cider

5.5% abv., 20g sugar


Strawberry Seltzer

Seltzer Style Hard Cider

5.7% abv., 4g of natural sugar from the strawberry juice


Semi sweet style cider

5.5%, 14g sugar




Distilled Spirits

Our handcrafted small-batch hard ciders and spirits are made from apples and are gluten-free.

Brandy in apple

Apple Brandy

Oak Barrel Aged
5 years
40% 80 proof, 750ml

Limoncello in apple

Limoncello Liqueur

Myer Lemon Zest
Simple Syrup
40% 80 proof, 750ml & 375 ml

Orangecello in apple

Orangecello Liqueur

Navel Orange Zest
Simple Syrup
40% 80 proof, 750 ml & 375 ml

Private Party Keg

Extra Crisp, Blackberry, Organic, Specialty

$85 – 1/6 bbl. Keg (5.16 gal)
$120 – 1/4 bbl. Keg (7.75 gal)
$220 – 1/2 bbl. Keg (15.5 gal)


$125 Deposit on all kegs
$50 Air Pump Tap Handle Deposit
$50 Keg Jacket Deposit

How many glasses of cider in a keg?

1/2 bbl (15.5 gal.) serves about 124 16oz. or 165 12oz.
1/4 bbl (7.75 gal.) serves about 62 16oz. or 82 12oz.
1/6 bbl (5.16 gal.) serves about 42 16oz. or 56 12oz.

To reserve a keg, please contact Indigeny Reserve via telephone